Sunday, August 14, 2011

Forbidden Island

It is a great day for our largest group of hikers to assemble, in two sub-groups, for a hike to Forbidden Island. The first group of Handy, Cutie, Chops, Clark Kento, Wonder Woman, Clark's guest Narumi, and Captain Charlie, arrives at the trail head and ties a pink bow on a tree limb for the second group to find their way. We take off down the trail right away.
The first panoramic view of the Island is again breath-taking. With the sun just rising, the sky blue and the ocean glistening, one never tires of the scene. Then comes the hard descent that takes a bit of negotiation, and at the steep drop-off Handy whips out the rope he has brought to extend the existing rope. Chops, although worries that her rope tying skills may not be sufficient, puts in a strong knot for the team.

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief as we finally touch down on the beach. After a short break as we sit and enjoy the crashing waves, or search for old broken glass pieces, or just wander around, we decide to move the camp to the north end by the pool where it is shaded.
Just as we begin to proceed, we notice a group of hikers snaking down the narrow path, but they are too far for us to see who they are, until Peppy appears to bring up the rear of the new group of Tara, Verusuda (she who has an all matching purple ensemble), Juan, Kyle, completing an even dozen of today's hiking expedition.
The number and variety of snacks are impressive. As no one wants to carry them back up the hill, everyone is encouraged to enjoy them as much as possible. A group of high school kids also decide to gather at the pool area for a swim, so we enjoy watching them enjoy themselves.

While sitting around, we discover a rock formation that amazingly resembles a turtle. A photo is taken to memorialize this discovery.

Having delayed for as long as possible for the trip up, we begin the ascent. Tara, Verusuda, and CC lead the way, and part way up Tara and Verusuda take off and CC waits for Clark and Narumi. As always, the way up is a lung-busting challenge. After everyone shows up at the top, we all agree that it is a short but great exercise. We also may have more hikers to join us on a regular basis.

A post note: we hear later that the Kagman area we drive through this morning is the scene of a discovery of human bones, possibly of one of the missing girls.

This week's Frankenstein-speak: Porker Parlor


  1. Again, I may remain the only commenter. Hasn't anyone figured out how to register on the blog site ? I wish someone would because I can't remember how I did it, but the computer seems to remember me. Anyway, Monte will join again as soon as Judge David does. He told me and Peppy at the funeral mass today that he'd do it sometime. So when he's in I'm in, if not before then. Skin, yen, zen, chin, pin, dim, thin, slim, whim and until then.

  2. Well, I am at a loss as to why no one else is able to sign in and post comment. Perhaps one has to be a gmail subscriber?
