We notice the road is more washed up in one week's time.
From the upper trail, RedEye wants to take a side trail to show Sofia the old war time gun emplacement pit. With rain and neglect, the area is overgrown with vines and bushes. RedEye, Sofia and Dora.
Near the turn off to the lower road, all of us are so busy keeping our eyes on this long stretch of puddle, and picking our way carefully to get to the other side, that we miss the turn off and nearly reach the end of the lower road before we realize our mistake. Here Chops, Sofia, and Dora are back to the turnoff where CC has just tied a blue&white ribbons to mark the spot.
RedEye coming down the slippery part of the cross trail. The trail is a little bit overgrown and at one point it is actually hard to follow, but we make it. It is a beautiful woodsy trail.
Two clusters of mushrooms covered by fallen debris.
From the lower road, we find the turn off to the rock island beach. The approach at the end is a little steep. Cutie on her butt-walk.
Giggles follows with firm grip on the rocks.
On the beach, we see today the tide is low enough for us to walk freely on the beach. Cutie, RedEye, Giggles heading further down the beach for a good spot to rest. Chops is beach combing.
Next to the rock island is this reclining buffalo.
While we are walking, a dog suddenly appears, looking nervous and lost. It has a collar, but a bit thin. We hope it finds its family.
Giggles, who is well known for bringing unique snacks (cupcakes etc.) announces that she has brought a cake. It so happens today is Sofia's birthday! The cake is presented, we sing a rousing Happy Birthday, and Sofia cuts the cake for everyone. Bet she will always remember her 15th! Giggles promises to start celebrating with birthday-of the-month cake.
Giggles showing RedEye the roll of rope she brings on the hike, for emergency purposes.
Not to be outdone, Chops whips out her bundle of rope she always brings on the hikes. These two ladies win the "girl scout" award.
The Tube. This is the main menu of our hike. RedEye volunteers to go up first. Although the tube is not very long, as we can see clearly the top opening, it is somewhat narrow and steep. Here RedEye is making good progress. Meanwhile, Cutie and Chops decide they will not go up the tube, so they turn around to go back up hill by the same way we have come down.
Two-thirds way up, RedEye is stuck at a high ledge where his leg refuses to bend and lift up. Dora decides to go up to give him help.
With her legs straddling on the sides of the tube, Dora tries to give RedEye assistance. But there is not enough maneuvering room. So RedEye decides to come back down, and Dora moves aside for him to turn around.
RedEye slides back down. Good job, RedEye, for almost making it to the top. The bright spot behind RedEye's head is the top opening of the tube. When RedEye comes back down, Giggles decides to accompany him back to the hillside trail. With Dora already reaching the top, Sofia and CC follow up the tube, using legs, strong grips on the rocks and the rope, making it to the top of the tube.
The top of the tube is quite narrow. As we three make it out, we begin to try to find our way back to the lower road. We instantly become lost, as there is no sign of any trail.
We figure by following a parallel path to the coastline, and then turn right for the road, we should be okay. Brave Sofia follows without complaint of panic.
In the middle of the jungle, we fine war time souvenir of beer bottles.
After crashing through thick foliages and unmarked ground, we finally see ribbons and a trail leading back to the lower road.
Happy Dora. We're saved!
With initially missing the turnoff, the tube experiences, and then getting lost in the woods, the hike takes nearly four hours. It is very much fun.
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